Resources available to help Roanoke area residents access no-cost financial counseling as a public service, connect with safe and affordable bank accounts, and participate in financial wellness educational programming.

Roanoke Financial Empowerment Center

The Roanoke Financial Empowerment Center offers professional, one on one financial counseling at no cost to residents in the Roanoke area. Financial counselors can assist with money management, budgeting, reducing debt, establishing and improving credit, connecting to safe and affordable banking services, building savings, and referrals to other services and organizations.


The Roanoke Financial Empowerment Center operates through a partnership between the City of Roanoke, Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund, Inc., Freedom First Enterprises, and key community organizations. Carilion Clinic has partnered with the Financial Empowerment Center to help our communities achieve financial well-being, with the ultimate goal to improve our overall health.

To learn more and schedule an appointment with a Financial Empowerment Center Counselor, please visit the Roanoke Financial Empowerment Center

Bank On Roanoke Valley

Bank On Roanoke Valley (BORV) is a partnership between local government, financial institutions, and nonprofits to help connect unbanked and underbanked individuals to affordable, mainstream bank accounts and to free financial wellness and education workshops.

Through collaboration and partnerships, BORV connects residents to financial opportunities and resources so that they can achieve financial stability for themselves and their families. Working closely with the Roanoke Financial Empowerment Center, BORV provides an important complementary strategy that allows more residents to access these much needed services.

To learn more visit Bank On Roanoke Valley